Dear family and friends, we have gathered here today to witness and celebrate the commitment of Partner 1 and Partner 2.  Surrounded as we are by those we most love, let us turn our hearts and minds to the two before us who wish to bind their lives together, in peace, and in love, thus celebrating the beauty and joy of life.

It has been said that no man is an island entire to himself.  We are involved in all humanity and each time two people come together to blend their lives as one, it is a reaffirmation of human courage, hope and love.  It is the joyous uniting of a couple whose comradeship and mutual understanding have flowered into romance.  Today, Partner 1 and Partner 2 proclaim their love to the world and we who are gathered here rejoice with them and for them in the new life they now undertake together.

A committed relationship is the promise of hope between two people who love each other sincerely, who honor each other as individuals, and who wish to unite their lives and share the future together. In this ceremony, they dedicate themselves to the happiness and well-being of each other, in a union of mutual caring and responsibility.  We rejoice with them that out of all the world they have found each other; and that they will henceforth find the deeper meaning and richness of human life in sharing it with each other.

Your relationship requires “love.”  When we love, we see things other people do not see.  To see with loving eyes is to know inner beauty and to be loved is to be seen and known as we are known to no other.  When you give yourself, heart and mind, into the hands of the one you love, you receive that most precious of gifts - the life and love of another.  We are loved when another human being wants us, wishes to share their life with us, accepts us, without qualification or reservation, not as perfect, but as human, with strengths and weaknesses.

Love endures only when the lovers love many things together and not merely each other.  When they share the same values, hold the same interests.  You will need to be able to trust one another and learn, as well, to depend on one another.  Do not forget the love that you share today, continue to show your appreciation and admiration on a daily basis throughout the rest of your lives.

A successful relationship is based on love, equality, respect, and commitment on the part of both, in which each must adjust to the other's temperaments and moods.  In this union two persons turn to each other in search of greater fulfillment than either can achieve alone.  A committed relationship should be a growing and dynamic relationship, a dream of tomorrow in which we grow and fulfill our possibilities.  It is wondrous when someone believes in the dream of ourselves and wants to live with us and help make these dreams and aspirations come true.

Your committed relationship is a dedication.  You give yourself, your life and love, into the hands of the one you love.  You do so trustingly and generously.  Yet, each of you also receives a gift – the life and love of the other.  You receive this gift not only from the one you love, but also from their family and friends.  We are here to share your joy and to witness your first steps along the path that you are now to tread together.  May it be a path of deepening and widening love that you shall travel together until the end of your days.

Two among us who have stood apart, come now in our presence to declare their love, and to be united, facing the world strong, with the courage of two.  May they learn to share life’s trials, and grow in understanding and devotion to each other.  May love and companionship abide in the home they establish.  May they grow old together, in health and contentment, ever grateful for the union of their lives so that they will say “Grow old along with me, the best is yet to be.”  May they wake up each morning glorying in the joy that they awake once again next to their chosen one, their beloved. May they always need one another, not to fill an emptiness, but to help each other know fullness.  May they embrace one another, but not encircle one another.  May they have happiness, and may they find it in making one another happy.  May they have love, and may they find it in loving one another.

Now we have Partner 2 and Partner 1 before us, who wish to take their place among those who have said yes to living, yes to the hard task of loving, and yes to the best that humanity stands for.  This celebration is the outward token of an inner union of hearts.  It is a union created by their loving purpose and kept by their abiding will.  It is in this spirit and for this purpose that they have come here to be joined together. 

 I understand that they have written their own vows.  Partner 1, will you please read your vows now?       Partner 2…

Sample vows if prefer not to write own:


We are especially grateful for the values that have been instilled in Partner 2 and Partner 1 from those who have loved and nurtured them.  The family and friends each brings to this union will continue to be important in their lives, but now will be shared between them, and will be enriched and enlarged.  Do you, who are here present, promise and commit yourselves to support and uphold their union?

(Answer:  “We do”)

Our celebration of the union of Partner 1 and Partner 2 is shared by those who have passed beyond this life.  Their roles in the lives of Partner 1 and Partner 2 are no less remembered and honored as we savor today’s joyous moments.  Join with us, then, in fond memory of all these people, and in particular with (departed relatives names).  In their memory, let us be silent together.

Traditionally, the commitment ceremony is marked by the exchange of rings.  This ring is a symbol of the unbroken circle of love; a reminder that love freely given has no beginning and no end, no giver and no receiver - for each is the giver and each is the receiver.  May these rings remind you always of the vows you have taken here today.

Partner 1, please take Partner 2's ring, and as you place it on the ring finger of her left hand, repeat after me . . . With this ring I commit to thee . . . promising to love and respect you, . . . sharing good times and bad, . . . in sickness and in health.

Partner 2, please take Partner 1's ring, and as you place it on the ring finger of his left hand, repeat after me . . . With this ring I commit to thee . . . promising to love and respect you, . . . sharing good times and bad, . . . in sickness and in health.

Since you love each other in your hearts, and have promised to help each other to live and grow, in wisdom and compassion, with these rings you bind your lives together for as long as you both shall live. 

(Handfasting/Handholding and other options)

(Optional Unity Candle Ceremony)

The miracle of love is like the miracle of a flower.  It thrives upon the sunshine of a smile.  It entwines itself around the heart.  Its roots are secured in the memories of yesterday, and its petals breathe the promise of joy filled tomorrows.  To be loved is to know happiness and contentment.  To give love is to know the joy of sharing oneself.  It is through the miracle of love that we discover the fullness of life.

Partner 2 and Partner 1, now you will feel no rain, for each of you will be shelter to the other.  Now you will feel no cold, for each of you will be warmth to the other.  Now there is no more loneliness, for each of you will be companion to the other.  Now you are one heart in two bodies, and there is only one life before you.  Now you enter into the days of your togetherness . . . May those days be good, and long, upon this earth.

Partner 2 and Partner 1, as you embark on this wonderful journey ahead of you, hand in hand, experiencing life together, may all that is true and beautiful be with you always . . . May there be peace in your home, quietness and confidence in your thoughts, and joy and celebration in your hearts.

Dear friends and family, since Partner 1 and Partner 2 have thus pledged themselves in the presence of this company and they have spoken the words and performed the rites which unite their lives, I do now, by the powers vested in me by the laws of the State of Kansas/Missouri, I pronounce that you are husband and wife.

Partner 1 and Partner 2, you may now seal your union with a kiss.

I present to you Partner 2 & Partner 1.